Saturday, October 27, 2012

Gloom and Doom

I have come to realize that I am a 'gloom and doom' kind of person. I came to this realization the other day. I was talking to my brother Christian. I asked him if his girlfriend was going to come to his Eagle Court of Honor. Christian didn't know and his response was, that she was having a rough day. I asked him why and he said, "I don't know. Girls have 9-11 happen to them every day." This is me too! Its like every day is 9-11 (but not really because it is my birthday). I started this blog initially because I wanted to tell my dating stories. Well, I still have plenty of them, but it seems like they are all gloom and doom. Or, I just have have time to deal with it. I'm exhausted...end of story.

When you go to high school, people ask where you see your self in five or ten years. Well, I didn't think in high school I would be still going to college, have a dog, living in my parents basement, not married, no kids, and be in debt. These are all things that I didn't even think about. Sometimes I think life is just mean and cruel...but then I think about other people that really do have crappy lives and I know I shouldn't complain. I think I just need a 'me' day where I can rest and relax and not think about anything.

I have also come to realize I hate dating. I don't want to do it anymore. Andy (tattoo) is gerk. He makes me so mad and he makes me cry....but I still go back for me. Its kind of confusing. He found out I was still dating other people and he got pissed. Ugh, the whole thing is stupid, but I kinda like him.

Mustache (Chris) I think finally decided to give up on me because I never had time for him. I think it would be different if I didn't have a dog. My dog need attention, so I have to go home after either working an eight hour day or leaving the house at six am to go to school. Plus, Chris lives in Tooele...that is like an hour away! He was nice though. He is one of those guys I would classify as "I wish I liked him" kind of guys.

Tristain (monster truck) is not mad at me any more. I paid up on my debt to him by going to Texas Road House. This pissed Andy off because he made him jealous. Whatever. It wasn't a date, I was just paying  up on a debt.

Carlos is finally leaving me alone too. He also realizes how busy I am. But, if I really wanted to, I would make time for him. I make time for Andy all the time. Ugh. Dating sucks.

There have been other guys here and there along the way. Nothing really comes of it. Tim finally is leaving me alone. I told him for like the 10th time I am not interested and he finally is getting the hint. Bless his heart. He started drinking though. Lame.

Shelby didn't go to Minnesota after all. I am sad that things didn't work our for her and Bryan. I told her I would go to Disneyland...but I don't think I can afford it. I change my mind ALL the time!!!

Well....I think its time to get back to my homework. I have to decide if I want to go back to English or Business Management next semester:( Ugh. I need to get married so someone else can make my decisions  I don't seem to be making good I need someone to make them for me!

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