Sunday, September 9, 2012

Not a Nice Surprise

Brutus is not yet trained to not use the house as his bathroom. Its pretty annoying. He has learned also to hide under my bed when its bedtime so I can't put him in his crate. I'm usually too tired to fight him, so I decided just to let him sleep under my bed. To my surprise, he woke me up to let him go outside! I was so excited. This happened several nights in a row. So, the good news is that he is potty trained...but only in my room. If he is in the basement or any other part of the house...he just goes to the bathroom and its SUPER annoying. Anyway, when Brutus wakes me up in the middle of the night, we use the basement entrance. One night I opened the door and there was a HUGE SPIDER ON THE WALL. Now, I am not normally scared of spiders...but this one freaked me out! As I ran past it, I just hoped it didn't jump off the wall and eat me. I hurried and grabbed a shovel and killed it! 

I know this picture doesn't make the spider look that big, but its probably one of the biggest spiders I have ever seen. AND, it probably has brothers and sisters too...which is not a happy thought. So, now when I open the basement door...I am very cautious of the walls.

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