Saturday, November 17, 2012

Brutus...dang dog

I took Brutus to his first dog park...this was about two minutes after we left. He sure was tired!

I mean, I don't even have any words to say here. Dang Dog.

This was Brutus' first snow. He sure liked it. He would run around and put his head in the snow. It was kinda funny to watch. 

You cant really tell here, but he lifted his leg...ON THE SNOWMAN!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Monster Trucks...surprise!

So...if you look on my phone...I have monster trucks and my dog. Hmmm...I should get a hobby or something. Anyway, these pictures were taken the first night of Monster Trucks at RMR. I took Grayson and Cody with me...and probably wont do that again!

These boys sure love Monster Trucks. They are SO lucky that their aunt takes them...because it is definitely not cheap! Especially when they want souvenirs and those are TEN dollars a piece!! 

 This show had TWO Big Foots. We don't get to see Big Foot very often. They sure have some good looking trucks:)

This race is between Big Foot and Bounty Hunter. Pretty sure Big Foot won. 

Below is the race between Big Foot and Iron 
Outlaw. It looks like a pretty even start...but Big Foot WINS. 

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Sad Day

Brutus finally started to lift his leg:(  This makes me sad.  Today was his first day at the dog park and he did a pretty good job...but then he learned how to lift his leg. Break my heart. My dog is all grown up!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Gloom and Doom

I have come to realize that I am a 'gloom and doom' kind of person. I came to this realization the other day. I was talking to my brother Christian. I asked him if his girlfriend was going to come to his Eagle Court of Honor. Christian didn't know and his response was, that she was having a rough day. I asked him why and he said, "I don't know. Girls have 9-11 happen to them every day." This is me too! Its like every day is 9-11 (but not really because it is my birthday). I started this blog initially because I wanted to tell my dating stories. Well, I still have plenty of them, but it seems like they are all gloom and doom. Or, I just have have time to deal with it. I'm exhausted...end of story.

When you go to high school, people ask where you see your self in five or ten years. Well, I didn't think in high school I would be still going to college, have a dog, living in my parents basement, not married, no kids, and be in debt. These are all things that I didn't even think about. Sometimes I think life is just mean and cruel...but then I think about other people that really do have crappy lives and I know I shouldn't complain. I think I just need a 'me' day where I can rest and relax and not think about anything.

I have also come to realize I hate dating. I don't want to do it anymore. Andy (tattoo) is gerk. He makes me so mad and he makes me cry....but I still go back for me. Its kind of confusing. He found out I was still dating other people and he got pissed. Ugh, the whole thing is stupid, but I kinda like him.

Mustache (Chris) I think finally decided to give up on me because I never had time for him. I think it would be different if I didn't have a dog. My dog need attention, so I have to go home after either working an eight hour day or leaving the house at six am to go to school. Plus, Chris lives in Tooele...that is like an hour away! He was nice though. He is one of those guys I would classify as "I wish I liked him" kind of guys.

Tristain (monster truck) is not mad at me any more. I paid up on my debt to him by going to Texas Road House. This pissed Andy off because he made him jealous. Whatever. It wasn't a date, I was just paying  up on a debt.

Carlos is finally leaving me alone too. He also realizes how busy I am. But, if I really wanted to, I would make time for him. I make time for Andy all the time. Ugh. Dating sucks.

There have been other guys here and there along the way. Nothing really comes of it. Tim finally is leaving me alone. I told him for like the 10th time I am not interested and he finally is getting the hint. Bless his heart. He started drinking though. Lame.

Shelby didn't go to Minnesota after all. I am sad that things didn't work our for her and Bryan. I told her I would go to Disneyland...but I don't think I can afford it. I change my mind ALL the time!!!

Well....I think its time to get back to my homework. I have to decide if I want to go back to English or Business Management next semester:( Ugh. I need to get married so someone else can make my decisions  I don't seem to be making good I need someone to make them for me!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

St. George

If I can, I like to take trips. One weekend, I took my sister and her two kids to St. George to play with my friend Megan. It was a lot of fun. 

 The pool was a lot of fun. Greyson and Memphis can't swim...but that didn't stop them from jumping into the pool. It sure was fun.

 We went to dinner at the "Black Bear Diner". It was some good food. Memphis was being very 'proper' with her dinner. It was cute.

 We had to stop on the way to St. George at the gas station with the big chair. Here is Michelle and Memphis and Greyson.

We also went to a dinosaur museum. It was boring...but we went anyway.

Shelby's Cabin 2012

My friend Shelby has a pretty awesome cabin in the mountains.  Its a lot of fun up there. It's nice and secluded. Even though it is a cabin, it has all the things a house does, minus internet. One of our favorite things is riding 4-wheelers. This time was extra fun because this time Shelby and I had to share a 4-wheeler, it had just rained, and we went with a group of people.

 This is us before we left. Why are we so cool? Oh, its because we are wearing the same sweater, but mine is from Tennessee and Shelby's is from Minnesota. We are cool like that.

Usually we have our own 4-wheeler, but this time we needed to share. Well, a bug flew into Shelby's mouth so she turned around to spit it out. Don't worry...she spit on me. We laughed SO hard!

The people we went 4-wheeling with would stop like every five we got bored.

Riding on the back of the 4-wheeler is relaxing, but lame.

One of the things we stopped to look at was a bear trap. I just didn't understand. It was just some sticks piled up. After making a comment about this 'bear trap', I was then made fun of the rest of the ride. Anyway, the explained to me how the trap worked. It still didn't make sense, but it caught a it apparently does work. 

There are a lot of loggers up there in the mountains. The draw pictures of naked people. 

I got a little muddy after:/

That is pretty much the extent of the trip. It was a lot of fun and I think the cabin is a perfect destination to get away.

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Ok, not all boys suck, but I seem to have some crazy experiences lately. So, here are some stories.

1. Alex, the boy from Minnesota, called me...twice in one night. It was kind of weird. Now, if you know me or anything, he was the first boy to break my heart.  I've had a rough time getting over him. Anyway, I am one of those people that deletes numbers...well, I deleted his number but then I decided that I wanted to talk to I went through my phone bill and found his number. I sent him a simple text and he never responded. I just left his number in my phone. This was months ago. Well, the other night he called me.  Anyway, all I heard was loud music playing, so it didn't make sense. My thought was, 'maybe I will just listen for a while so the next day he will wonder if we talked'. (I had also assumed he had been drinking) Well, I hung up. I didn't really know what to do. Then, he called me again at 1:30 AM!  This time there was just clanking noise and after a minute or so, he hung up. I still don't know what happened. Oh well. I didn't call or text him back. It was just really random and weird. Who knows what will ever happen with him.

2. Andy (tattoo guy) forgot my birthday. What an ass. In fact, he is an ass. I learned in a class once that 'you' statements are bad...but I'm going to ignore that for now. So, if I were talking to him, I would say, "you need to make time for me. Once a week is not enough for me". "You need to ask me to do things, not just hint at them". "You need to text me more than LOL, its stupid". "You just need to 'shit or get off the pot'". I really like Andy, but I don't like taking second seat to softball. Maybe I will just end it. He is an ass...but I just like him. Ugh.

3. There are two guys I have been talking too that seem nice. One seems like he is looking for a relationship and everything. I guess time will tell on that one. Then, there is this other one. He is really fun to talk to, but he also is just looking for the hook-up. I guess its a good thing he lives far away.

4. AND....this guy kills me. The first thing he says to me is, "I want you". Anyway, we have talked back and forth for a little bit...and I think he is bi-polar. He asked me late at night if he could call me. I didn't respond because I was falling asleep. The next day I apologized for not answering and he told me he didn't want anything to do with me because I was playing 'games' with him. Hold on, What? Oh, don't worry...its been back and forth. So, last night he called me and we discussed meeting. I told him I would think about it...I guess he took that as playing a 'game' too. In fact, I'm going to type his texts in a different blog. I did start messing with him because I was SO annoyed with him. Ugh. He is NUTS! No wonder he is 35 and single. What a loser.

I just want to state that I am not a skank or anything. Just because I talk about all these guys doesn't mean I will ever meet them. I do want to get married and settle down...but that can only happen if I meet people...and that is what I am working on! Don't judge.

Happy Birthday To Me

This week I turned the dreaded 27!! I don't really think my dread has anything to do with being 27, but more for the fact that I haven't done anything with my life. I guess I have, but I don't feel like I am where I should be at my age. Hmmm...only that makes sense for me.  Anyway, my birthday was a birthday. I went to school, went to work, and then went home. I know, I'm super cool.  I did get some cool gifts though. I got a $30 gift card to the girl that does my hair. Chad and Jeni gave me an awesome picture from monster trucks, I got a cute bag and some shoes as well. It wasn't a bad birthday...but then again, I don't have too many expectations for birthdays because I don't like to celebrate them:/

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Not a Nice Surprise

Brutus is not yet trained to not use the house as his bathroom. Its pretty annoying. He has learned also to hide under my bed when its bedtime so I can't put him in his crate. I'm usually too tired to fight him, so I decided just to let him sleep under my bed. To my surprise, he woke me up to let him go outside! I was so excited. This happened several nights in a row. So, the good news is that he is potty trained...but only in my room. If he is in the basement or any other part of the house...he just goes to the bathroom and its SUPER annoying. Anyway, when Brutus wakes me up in the middle of the night, we use the basement entrance. One night I opened the door and there was a HUGE SPIDER ON THE WALL. Now, I am not normally scared of spiders...but this one freaked me out! As I ran past it, I just hoped it didn't jump off the wall and eat me. I hurried and grabbed a shovel and killed it! 

I know this picture doesn't make the spider look that big, but its probably one of the biggest spiders I have ever seen. AND, it probably has brothers and sisters too...which is not a happy thought. So, now when I open the basement door...I am very cautious of the walls.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

School has Started

        Well, fall is here. School has started and this means more blogging! I am currently sitting in a hallway at school waiting for my class to start. I didn't really get the schedule I wanted, but that is ok. I am taking three classes this semester.
                 My first class is business law...and my first day there I felt like El Woods from 'Legally Blonde'. People were throwing all sorts of words around that I had never heard before. This class may be challenging for me!  This class also starts at 7 AM! Yes, 7 AM! I am usually up early, but there are a few factors that go into making this time not a good time for me to take a class. The great thing is that I get AWESOME parking!  Front row baby! Anyway, on to the bad factors of a 7 AM class.
              1. I live in Herriman. I have to leave my house at 6:15 am...which means I wake up around 5         am so I can get ready.
              2. I now have a dog that I have to take care of as well. This adds to the stress in the morning.
              3.  Do you know what the people of Herriman are doing at 6 AM? Oh, I do. They are riding bikes and running! Who does that! I know...and I knwo because I almost hit a lady this morning! Its too dark outside...please wait for the sun to come up!
        My second class is called Business communication. I didn't really know what this class consisted of until the first day. This class is all about typing and emailing to businesses. Don't worry, we have to take spelling quizzes! Here I am, almost 27 and taking spelling quizzes, which of course I fail! Ha ha..fml. Ok, not fail, but I miss spell some words...but I guess we all do. I am looking forward to this class. I know it will be very helpful to me in the business world.
         Then, I have a break because I couldn't get in a ten o'clock class and so my next class starts at 11:30. This class is microeconomics. The teacher said the first day that this class was going to be ahrd. Ugh...stupid! Oh well, I had already bought the book and I didn't want to take an acct class, so I am going to stay. The class is large, the only downfall, is that most of the assignments are due online. I hated my English classes because all I did was read, but now I think I might want that again because now I have assignments due with letter grades. You cant really grade on reading. Oh well.
      My last class gets out at 12:45 and I don't have to be to work until two, so I get some down time...which I need after getting up super early.  Oh, and remember how I said parking was awesome in the morning...that's not the case for people that come later in the day. I almost caused an accident the other day while pulling out of the parking lot. And when I say I almost caused it...I mean the five cars fighting for my spot almost caused an accident! Now I know why most people are parked backwards when I get to school. Maybe I will start doing that. What I really would like to do though is ride the bus. I even bought a bus pass...but the bus leaves Draper at 5:41 AM and gets to the school way too early. Its not worth it for me to take the bus.
           Well, I'm excited to be back in school. I hope this semester is good and I don't want to kill myself!

Sunday, August 26, 2012


Ok, so I guess I don't really want to I will just put up some pictures and tell little short stories about the pictures:)  Most of the next pictures of of the little kiddos.

Michelle and I took the kids out to eat. Well, Michelle started to take off Memphis's clothes and I thought it was weird. Well, good thing she is a good mom and she took of her daughter's shirt because Mem got food ALL OVER!

Anyone that knows Cody, they know he LOVES food!  Well, we were at the drive inn and he found my cup of Ketchup. Ha ha...what a little kid.

Mom's Birthday

Well, today is September 26th and my mom's birthday was August 2. Hmmm....this picture it a little old. Anyway, my mom sells the DoTerra oils. We all use them and we all love them. So, my mom invited my aunt and my aunts friend to try some new foot thing that has oils in it and they also had virgin margaritas with lime oil in it.

Oh, and that is Brutus. Sill dog!

Herriman Fire

Well, I have some time on my hands...or I am sick of the pictures on my email...and I am going to blog:)  This post is going to be about the fire in Herriman. This fire started by lightning and burned for a few days maybe. I don't really know actually, I just have some cool pictures.  Anyway, this fire wan't close to our fact, all the fires out here are not close to our house. I guess we are lucky like that. The closest fire we had was that our neighbors boat caught on fire...

 This is the view from our driveway.

 This view is from my driving home from work. 

So, maybe this blog isn't very interesting. Well, the fire happened a while ago and I am mulit-tasking. I am watching Big Bang, texting, and chatting online. Hmmm..maybe I should chew some gum too...ha ha...lame joke! Just let it happen.

Monday, August 13, 2012


I guess it's been a while since I have posted anything. There have actually been a lot of new events in my life, but 1. I don't have pictures of them or 2. I can't get the pictures off my phone.  So, here will be a simple list of my life this past little while.

1. Brutus is officially all done with his shots!  This means I can now take him to a dog baby sitter:)  He weighs 36 pounds and is super cute. He also finally learned how to 'shake'. Ugh, that one took a while.

2. I bought a new car. Was this a good idea? No, it wasn't. Is my car super cute? No, its not. Oh well. Anyway, I did it. I bought a Mercury Milan. Its a nice car. Definitely and upgrade from the focus.

3. Went to a family reunion at Joe's Valley. I boated and went 4-wheeling. It was a blast!

4. Monster trucks were here. They were pretty awesome. I just like them.

5. Boys. Hmmm. Well, the "rose guy" told me he would dig ditches and move mountains to make me happy and that he would rather I 'use and abuse' him than not talk to him at all. Ugh.

Then, there are two other guys. One gave me a hickey on my neck. Not my most shining moment. My family all saw it and now I am super embarrassed. It did, however, match my 'white trash' outfit for monster trucks. Anyway, he is a father of two and works for a bank. We will, for future purposes, call him 'hickey guy'. He likes me.

Then, there is another guy. I am pretty sure I have talked about him before. We will call him "tattoo guy" because he has some pretty awesome tattoos. I just like him, but he is busy with softball and his daughter. Who knows, he may also be using me, but whatevs.

6. School starts at the end of this month. I'm going to take business classes. Please Bless it all works out.

Well, that is just a little bit of what is going on. I'm sure once school starts, I will start blogging a lot more because I will need to be on my computer again.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Bear Lake

My brother Chad did some work at a cabin in Bear Lake and in return our family was able to stay at the cabin for a week. Since I used pretty much all my vacation time this year, I was only able to go up for one day.  So, on Tuesday, Michelle her kids, Jeni and her kids, Jeni's sister and her kids, and I went up. It was fun for a day.

 Memphis and Cody had a water fight with water guns. ha sure was cute!

 I love the beach! I just sat in the sun most of the time. I have a HUGE fear of water and fish. The water was up high and there was a lot of junk in the water. I walked in for a second and then something touched I was out of the water super fast!

Not only am I a fan of 'Swamp People', but when I was a little kid, we had an alligator water toy. I found this at the store and had to buy it!  The kids loved it. It looks like they really were riding on an alligator! Fun!

Of course we had to go to Le Baus for ice cream. This was a small cone! I of course had a raspberry shake. It was delicious. Yum!

Bear Lake sure is a pretty place. I liked it up there and would have enjoyed going up there again, however, it was really nice being here at home without any kids or pets. 

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Monster Trucks....or not.

I took my sister and her kids to Rocky Mountain Raceway the other day because Grave Digger and the Ninja Turtle were going to drag race. It was fun...but I guess I was hoping for more monster trucks than we saw. Anyway, it was still fun, but when it was over, I was ready to get out of there!  The kids had a fun time though. 

 This is me and Gray. He doesn't look too happy here...but he liked it. wasn't really monster trucks, but drags with nitro funny cars and some other like rocket cars. It was SO loud!!

 Gray, Madison, and me with Grave Digger after the show:)

Michelle is smart and if the kids were good, they got these glow sticks. They sure liked them.

 We were a little late due to a few things....oh well. Anyway, when we got they had the monster trucks out so people could cheer for who they wanted to win. 

 Here they are facing off. 
Grave Digger won both times they raced.

This is the rocket car! It was pretty awesome.

Another Weirdo

So, my co-worker said to get on a dating website called "plenty of Fish". I was hesitant at first because I have done the online stuff and it hasn't worked in my favor at all. Anyway, one day I gave in. Not really to date anyone, but more for some entertainment and if something came of it...I would welcome it. So far I have met two guys. The first guy is from New York and is here living with his dad. His dad owns a bar in in Salt Lake. Anyway, we hung out once. I wasn't too into him, so I wasn't going to put forth any effort to the relationship, especially because there was another guy that I thought was pretty cute as well:) Anyway, on to the bar guy. So, I didn't really hear from him until about a week later. He first apologized for not talking to me and he told me it was because he started to date a girl. Good for him. He then proceeded to tell me that they were looking for a girl for a three-some and he thought of me. Ha nice. I told him 'no thanks, I'm not into that kind of stuff, but good luck'. Serious....where do people like this come from.? I guess people are into that kind of thing...I have just never been asked to be a part of something like that before and I wasn't too impressed with it.

Then, there is another guy. We will call him tattoo guy because he has a few tattoos...but one is super cute. Ha ha....its a little kid cartoon pirate. We have hung out a few times. I wouldn't mind if something happened with him....but I think he is a game in he will text me and when I respond...he responds a few hours later. Its very frustrating...but he makes me smile. I guess I will let this one run its course.

That's about it for dating. The Rose Guy still talks to me. But my dating life is boring. I guess now I am just looking for something but I don't know what. I'm still trying to get over Minnesota. One would think that I would be over him by now...but I'm not. I see things every day that remind me of him and I sure miss him,,,but that doesn't really mean anything. I don't have his number anymore and I haven't talked to him for a few months. I was hoping Brutus would help...and he has a little. Oh well, I guess only time will mend a broken heart.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Mr McShittles

I re-named my dog to Mr. McShittles. He poops ALL the time!  I talked to the vet about it and we are going to change his food. He also now weighs 20 pounds! The vet said he would get about 80 pounds and his head is a really good size and shape. Anyway, he is a good dog...but we are still working on potty training and biting. He likes to bite...especially me. The vet said we needed to work on letting him know I am in charge. But, over all, he is a good dog.

 He sure is cute.

 He likes to bite me. I feel like when I count money back to people at work, they think I must cut myself. Ha ha....dang dog. 

 One arm is scratched, the other arm is bruised. So people probably think I do drugs. 

He is not a fan of the car, but when he does drive in the car, he is on the floor next to the AC.

Saturday, June 23, 2012


This past weekend I went to Tennessee. It was SO much fun! I sure love going to the South. Its a different kind of world down there. Getting there was a little stressful though. My flight left Salt Lake at 3:40 pm. I landed in Chicago later that night. I am pretty sure I figured out where Hell is. Its the Chicago Airport.  I like to think I am a decent traveler, but I didn't do so well in that airport. When I got off the plane, I checked the flight board. I am pretty smart when it comes to this because I know that there are always gate changes...and sure enough...there was. I walked for probably 15 minutes to my new gate. On the way there, I walked thru a dark tunnel with these awful bright flashing lights. There is where I decided Hell must be. I sure hated it there! When I finally reached my gate and was all settled in, there was ANOTHER gate change! This makes #3. I went to the bathroom and when I returned back to the gate, the plane was being loaded, so I got in line. Oh...don't worry. That was the WRONG flight! I felt like a fool. The gate agent got on the intercom and mentioned my mis-hap and I was of course embarrassed.  THEN our flight was delayed because the toilet was broken on our plane. After an hour or so, they asked if we wanted to wait for the toilet to get fixed or just fly with a broken toilet.  We ended up flying and instead of getting in Nashville at 10, I got there at midnight! Then I had a three hour drive to Sweetwater. The drive was actually pretty nice. I ended up getting there around 4 am. I know, pretty awesome:/ While there, I visited with family, got a pedicure, went antiquing, to the flea market, and of course, the family reunion. It was a very much needed trip. I had a really great time and enjoyed spending time with my family that I see every few years:)

 This is a picture of my Grandma and Grandpa Ott, my Uncle Darrin and his wife with their four kids, my Unckle Donnie and his wife, and my uncle Danny. My Great Grandma has a lot of seven or nine. This is just one of the kids (my grandma) and her family.

 This is me and my Great Grandma Gillentine. She is 90 years old!

 Every year they play a game called 'Corn Hole'. This year my Great Uncle won. Chris was the three year reigning champ. Here he is passing the trophy over. Don't worry, that is an ear of corn on there.

 This was delicious food:) Pulled pork sandwich with coleslaw, beans, macaroni salad, and a peanut butter cup cup cake. DELICIOUS!

 My mom, my cousin, and me at the Flea Market. Instead of saying 'cheese', we said 'howdy' and this lady said, 'ya'll talk weird'.

 I know this picture is blurry, but its pretty awesome. My mom is wearing her Mitch and Glen shirt and I have my Choot Em shirt from Swamp People. Yeah...we like that. 

BEST PEDICURE EVER! I loved getting this pedicure. It was my favorite...but I cant go there anymore since its in another state. Maybe I will just move down there:)