Sunday, July 15, 2012

Another Weirdo

So, my co-worker said to get on a dating website called "plenty of Fish". I was hesitant at first because I have done the online stuff and it hasn't worked in my favor at all. Anyway, one day I gave in. Not really to date anyone, but more for some entertainment and if something came of it...I would welcome it. So far I have met two guys. The first guy is from New York and is here living with his dad. His dad owns a bar in in Salt Lake. Anyway, we hung out once. I wasn't too into him, so I wasn't going to put forth any effort to the relationship, especially because there was another guy that I thought was pretty cute as well:) Anyway, on to the bar guy. So, I didn't really hear from him until about a week later. He first apologized for not talking to me and he told me it was because he started to date a girl. Good for him. He then proceeded to tell me that they were looking for a girl for a three-some and he thought of me. Ha nice. I told him 'no thanks, I'm not into that kind of stuff, but good luck'. Serious....where do people like this come from.? I guess people are into that kind of thing...I have just never been asked to be a part of something like that before and I wasn't too impressed with it.

Then, there is another guy. We will call him tattoo guy because he has a few tattoos...but one is super cute. Ha ha....its a little kid cartoon pirate. We have hung out a few times. I wouldn't mind if something happened with him....but I think he is a game in he will text me and when I respond...he responds a few hours later. Its very frustrating...but he makes me smile. I guess I will let this one run its course.

That's about it for dating. The Rose Guy still talks to me. But my dating life is boring. I guess now I am just looking for something but I don't know what. I'm still trying to get over Minnesota. One would think that I would be over him by now...but I'm not. I see things every day that remind me of him and I sure miss him,,,but that doesn't really mean anything. I don't have his number anymore and I haven't talked to him for a few months. I was hoping Brutus would help...and he has a little. Oh well, I guess only time will mend a broken heart.

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