Sunday, April 15, 2012

Trip to Minnesota

Last weekend, Easter weekend, I went to Minnesota. I left my house at 4 am to get to the airport by 6.  I had a layover in Denver and then a short flight to Minneapolis. Alex picked me up at the airport later that day. It was raining, but it only rained that first morning. Other than that, the weather was pretty great. So, we drove until we found a Subway to eat at. Saturday was a pretty easy day. We pretty much watched movies all day and its possible that I took a nap. I don't remember. That night Alex bought $40 worth of mozzarella sticks. Ha ha..not really normal, but that's ok. Then Sunday (Easter) we went to the Mall of America. We checked online and it opened at we arrived there shortly after that. Well, the stores were not open:( The amusement park and some food court places were open though...and of course, there were other people. So, we just walked around the mall, did some people watching, played at the arcade, ate some food, and Alex made two wishes at two different wishing wells. I really think that is all we did there. So, once we left there, we didn't really know what to do. The mall was a bust and since Alex is not from Minneapolis, he didn't know what to do either. Well, luckily my trusty phone did:) I googled 'things to do in Minneapolis' and we picked a few things on that list, We went to a park full of art. Some of it I could see that it was art...other things, not so much. It was fun anyway though. There was a lot to see and the day was nice. After that, we went to a place about a stone bridge. It was on the banks of the Mississippi river. That's right, the Mississippi river starts in Minnesota. We talked to an old couple there and watched a girls dad put his daughters head in the dirt. I think after that, we left and watched some more movies. It was a good day. The next morning was Monday and that was when I was going to leave. I was sad. Anyway, we were both excited to see the Pirate Museum put on by the History was closed. We were both sad...but we found other things to do. We went to St. Paul and went to the capital. We walked around and Alex taught me about some government stuff that I as an American citizen should know, but I don't. We walked in some underground tunnels to another state building. After that we went to a place called Ft. Snelling (I think that is its name).Once again, it was closed, so we walked around and read some of the plaques. We learned that Ft. Snelling is known for the largest mass execution in the US. Maybe not something to be proud of, but its part of the history. Anyway, Ft. Snelling is located on the banks of the Mississippi, so we walked down the the river and skipped some rocks and Alex picked me up some sea shells. He told me that they were my souvenirs and to make them into a necklace. When we were finished there, we headed off to the airport. We ate and sat there until I needed to get on the plane. I told Alex I would possibly cry and he told me not to. So, I listened...until I was out of security and the flood of tears came. I am glad I had my glasses because they helped to cover up my face. Ha ha...I was a mess. If I saw someone else like that at the airport, I would probably make fun of I am sure people made fun of me. Oh well. Anyway, I made it home safely. 

 This is the Lego store at the Mall of America. These pictures don't do it justice. These things were pretty cool...but the store was closed, so this is all I was able to see. 

This is the amusement park inside the mall. Some of the rides looked really fun to ride. We didn't ride any though.

 I really took this picture for my boss. She LOVES Peeps. This is also where the Easter Bunny was. 

This is some of the 'art' in the art park. I don't remember the name of it. It was something like two x's with pillars. 

 This is a giant spoon with a cherry on it. I have seen this picture somewhere else before, so it was neat to see it in person. 

 This was another piece of art. It's glass that you can see the other side of, but then it acts like a mirror too, So, here is a picture of me and Alex.

This picture is at the bridge thing on the Mississippi. Alex pointed to the 'Pillsbury' sign and I responded with, "its a good thing that the Gold Medal Flour is right across the river so they have flour to use" and then Alex pointed out that the rest of the sign said, 'Pillsbury's Best Flour'. Yeah, I felt stupid. As we were leaving, we read a plaque that said that this location housed 25 different flour pants. Pretty neat.

These are my sea shells Alex found for me. 

I didn't really take too many pictures. I had a good trip. It was hard to leave, but it is what it is. I don't know if I will be going back there either. The night I left Alex sent me some texts saying that it would be easier and cheaper just to give up on this relationship, but that he didn't want to give up and he wanted to make it work, I ignored those texts because I could have taken them a few ways...good and bad. Well on Saturday I had a little breakdown and told him it was just going to be easier just to give up. The distance is rough. If we do end up seeing each other again, it is going to be expensive and its something that has to be planned out. Anyway, so I told him that and then my emotions set in and I realized how stupid it was. So, later I told him it wasn't easier just to give up. As it turns out, it was much harder. So, that is where it is right in I don't know. I don't know if he will ever talk to me again or if we will ever see each other again. 

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