Sunday, May 6, 2012

Heart Attack

So, the other day I thought I was going to have a heart attack. Not from natural causes, but from being scared to death!  At work we were having a loan training. My work is divided into two different buildings. One building is the actual bank and the other is for HR. Our building has a basement in it and there is a tunnel that connects the two buildings. Now, when the bank gets locked up at night, they lock the doors in the tunnel. The training was in the basement in the HR building. When the training was over, I walked through the tunnel to go to the bank because I needed to go and clock out.   So, I walked in one door into the tunnel and walked into the other door and it was locked. So, I go back to the other door and its locked. I start to panic. I am now stuck in the tunnel between two doors. The basement doesn't have any cell phone reception. I started to panic because no one would think to come and look for me. I was going to sit in this dark tunnel all night long!  I was FREAKING out!.  I found a light switch and turned the light on. As I looked around, I also found a phone. Luckily I am smart enough to pull out my phone and I called the branch and someone came down to get me. I as really scared for a minute because I didn't have any control. I didn't like that feeling at all.  Luckily I made it safe and I didn't die:)

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